O sentimento invisível do sujeito diaspórico: o imigrante no conto “Gringuinho”, de Samuel Rawet
Immigration;, Cultural Identity;, Literature;, Samuel Rawet.Abstract
The migratory processes, intensified in recent years, end up causing a certain identity fragility in the immigrant, because he is constantly required to carry out a permanent negotiation between his autochthonous culture and the new culture in which he is inserted. In this hybridity, although much is to be gained, the immigrant finds himself in a totally unstable moment, of identity loss. It is in this moment of transformation, shaped by the “modernizing blender of the West”, in the metaphor of the mosaic, that literature appears as a gateway that allows dealing with the history of these spaces, of this new subject. From this point of view, this study aims to analyze the short story “Gringuinho”, by Samuel Rawet, seeking to observe how the immigrant’s feeling of belonging in the new country and the impact of the change in their cultural identity is described. To do so, we seek anchoring in the theoretical assumptions of Stuart Hall, Renato Ortiz, Chiara Pusseti and other relevant authors for the study.