A trajetória migratória de Madalena entre Paraguai, Áustria e Brasil: memórias, redes e lugares


  • Vanucia Gnoatto
  • Marcos Leandro Mondardo


Woman, Migration, Memory, Work, Networks


This article aims to analyze the memories of a life trajectory of an immigrant born in Paraguay, but currently of Brazilian nationality and resident in the municipality of Santa Terezinha de Itaipu, Paraná. We will work the trajectory considering from her point of departure and mobilities in Paraguay, temporary emigrations to Austria, to her emigration and establishment in Brazil, seeking to identify the role of social networks and the agency of women at work in different sectors. We start from a brief theorization about memory and network to, afterwards, in a slightly more empirical description, situate her trajectory. The methodology used is oral history, in the modality of life history. By means of this trajectory we identify motivations present in the mobilities, such as the desire to own land, the violent loss of a family member, family disagreements, the search for new work opportunities, life experiences, and the search for the health of dependents, showing that the economic factor is not always preponderant for emigrating.



How to Cite

Gnoatto, V., & Leandro Mondardo, M. (2022). A trajetória migratória de Madalena entre Paraguai, Áustria e Brasil: memórias, redes e lugares. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (94). Retrieved from https://revistatravessia.com.br/travessia/article/view/1085


