Inserção laboral de migrantes internacionais em Santa Rosa/RS: características e tendências


  • Richelli Daiana Pinheiro
  • Natália Boessio Tex de Vasconcellos
  • Davide Carbonai


International migration, Formal labor market, Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul


This study set out to investigate the migration movements in the formal labor market in Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, between the years 2012 and 2020. For this, the database of the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS) informed by the Observatory of International Migration was used. The data showed a 2,240% increase in migrants’ integration into the formal labor market between 2012 and 2020. With most jobs occupied by Argentine workers until 2015, this growth is associated with the labor integration of Haitian workers, surpassing the Argentine ones as of 2016. The characteristics of Haitian workers’ labor integration show occupational ethno-stratification with jobs related to the processing industry, meat packing, slaughtering, and pork product manufacturing. Overall, there is a predominance of male workers, aged between 18 and 39, with no or incomplete high school education. The changes witnessed in the profile of migrants integrated into the formal labor market demonstrate changes in the Brazilian migration policy and labor direction in activities linked to the end of the agribusiness production chain.

Author Biographies

Richelli Daiana Pinheiro

Universidade Federal do Pampa

Natália Boessio Tex de Vasconcellos

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Davide Carbonai

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



How to Cite

Daiana Pinheiro, R., Boessio Tex de Vasconcellos, N., & Carbonai, D. (2023). Inserção laboral de migrantes internacionais em Santa Rosa/RS: características e tendências. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, 1(95), 199–216. Retrieved from