São João Batista Scalabrini: pés no chão, olhos em Deus, mãos solidárias


  • Alfredo José Gonçalves


Scalabrini, Pastoral of Migrants, Spirituality


This article seeks to bring to light three fundamental characteristics of the life and work of Saint
John Baptist Scalabrini. The “feet on the ground”; the “eyes on God” and; “Solidarity Hands”.
The “feet on the ground” express his meticulous attention to the signs of the times, which
makes him a figure in tune with the events that marked the 19th century, as well as the turn
of the 20th century. Among others, he represents a man of his time, attentive and sensitive to
the fears and tremors that shook Europe and the changing world. The “eyes on God” convey
his profound spirituality, centered in turn on reverent devotion to the Eucharist, the figure of
Mary and the Cross. From this triple well, rich and abundant, will flow the living and life-giving
water that will nourish his trajectory as a shepherd, as well as that of a father and apostle of
migrants. The “hands of solidarity” try to encompass all of his socio-pastoral work, whether
in the apostolic zeal for the diocese of Piacenza, in northern Italy, or in the social and pastoral
solicitude for fellow countrymen who, by the thousands and millions, embarked across seas
and oceans per year. far l’America.



How to Cite

José Gonçalves, A. (2023). São João Batista Scalabrini: pés no chão, olhos em Deus, mãos solidárias. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, 1(96). Retrieved from https://revistatravessia.com.br/travessia/article/view/1152