O que se passa em Caaguazú?


  • Carlos Freire da Silva USP
  • Tiago Rangel Côrtes DIEESE




soybean monoculture, Caaguazú, rural exodus


This paper stems from the observation that many of the Paraguayan migrants who were inserted into São Paulo from the 2000s are from Caaguazú, a region where the economy is predominantly rural. Thus, from the trajectory of a young migrant, we seek to understand the reasons which have led many people from this region to migrate to São Paulo in search of new opportunities. Issues related to the monoculture of soybean, the concentration of land and the rural exodus will be addressed. In addition, we will discuss the impacts of migration on the local economy of Caaguazú. Fieldwork was conducted in São Paulo, where we made the first contact with the migrant in a sewing workshop, and Repatriación, his hometown, to which he returned for work in the rural area.

Author Biographies

Carlos Freire da Silva, USP

Pesquisador, doutor em Sociologia pela USP.

Tiago Rangel Côrtes, DIEESE

Mestre em Sociologia pela USP e Técnico do Observatório do Trabalho/DIEESE.



How to Cite

Silva, C. F. da, & Côrtes, T. R. (2014). O que se passa em Caaguazú?. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (74), 59–74. https://doi.org/10.48213/travessia.i74.120


