Caacupé trajetórias de organizações de paraguaios em São Paulo
paraguayans, associations, religiosityAbstract
This article seeks to discuss the Paraguayan migration to the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo in terms of their organization, based on a self-critical perspective from the Paraguayan associations in São Paulo. Based on the “Ara Santo” (Holy Day) event, the paper discusses the difficulties of Paraguayans to organize themselves since their arrival, the migrants’ profile and their integration in the paulista society. The history of Paraguayan migration to São Paulo, since the second half of the last century, was divided into three stages: the Stroessner dictatorship, the democratic opening in Paraguay and the most recent flows from the 2000s. We sought to deepen the debate on the role of associations and their claims, the cultural manifestations of folk groups and the challenges that must be overcome jointly.