Ascensão da extrema-direita na Europa e a questão migratória


  • Lucas Valente da Costa PUC-SP



immigration, far-right, European Union


Recent results of various parliamentarian elections in European countries have brought about attention and concern due to the number of seats taken by far-right parties with explicit xenophobic proposals. The results of some elections are without historic precedent. In this article, through the analysis of a wide range of social and political events and through the study of the impact of immigrants in European economics and society, popular support to these parties in times of economical recession, in particular the one that has begun in 2008 and is still engrossed in many countries of the continent, is linked with the real impact of immigrants on the social-economical structure. This is due to the common speech that immigrants are the cause of unemployment among the local population, a discourse intensifying while employment is scarce. The studies analyzed conclude that immigrants do not give rise to it, but this discourse increases in times of crisis, until the economy will have readjusted itself.

Author Biography

Lucas Valente da Costa, PUC-SP

Graduado em Relações Internacionais pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais/PUC-SP.

How to Cite

Costa, L. V. da. (2012). Ascensão da extrema-direita na Europa e a questão migratória. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (71), 61–80.


