Migrações e segmentação do mercado de trabalho O caso da migração brasileira para Portugal


  • João Peixoto Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
  • Catarina Egreja Universidade Técnica de Lisboa




brazilian migration, Portugal, labour market


This paper intends to review the main modes of incorporation of Brazilian migrants in the Portuguese labour market. Its main arguments are that labour opportunities are confined, in most of the cases, to less desired segments of the labour market and that flexible labour arrangements predominate. Concentration in those segments harms migrants’ prospects of full integration in Portuguese society. These evidences result from the observation of some variables related to employment (economic participation, professional status, occupation, activity sector, contractual situation) and unemployment. Furthermore, individual characteristics of migrants mostly related with different incorporation patterns are identified. The main evidence used in the paper comes from a survey on Brazilian migrants in Portugal carried out in 2009.

Author Biographies

João Peixoto, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

SOCIUS, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Portugal.

Catarina Egreja, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

* SOCIUS, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Portugal.

How to Cite

Peixoto, J., & Egreja, C. . (2012). Migrações e segmentação do mercado de trabalho O caso da migração brasileira para Portugal. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (70), 7–26. https://doi.org/10.48213/travessia.i70.253


