Memórias do “entre”

Processos migratórios entre Brasil e Bolívia sob o olhar da infância


  • Camila Daniel UFRRJ
  • Jhosely Micaela Seminario Valero UFRRJ



Bolivians, childhood, portunhol


This paper analyzes the Bolivian immigration from the perspective of childhood. Based on the stories of individuals who grew up in São Paulo, Brazil in Bolivian homes, we analyzed the strategies constructed by them as a child to give meaning to their migratory experience. While still children, many of them assumed the role of subjects of action “between” Brazil and Bolivia, symbolized mainly by the school and the family, respectively. This work is based on semi-structured interviews with 8 people who grew up in Bolivian homes. All the interviewees are part of the co-author’s personal network. She herself is also a Bolivian immigrant who grew up in São Paulo. Inspired by Sayad (1998), we open the dialogue about Bolivian immigration in Brazil from within, in a perspective that destabilizes the dualisms between subject and object of knowledge; child and adult; immigration and emigration.

Author Biographies

Camila Daniel, UFRRJ

Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Doutora em Ciências Sociais (PUC-Rio).

Jhosely Micaela Seminario Valero, UFRRJ

Graduanda em Administração no Instituto Três Rios da UFRRJ.



How to Cite

Daniel, C., & Valero, J. . M. S. (2019). Memórias do “entre”: Processos migratórios entre Brasil e Bolívia sob o olhar da infância. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (85), 73–90.


