Os paradoxos da imigração entre bolivianos em São Paulo
Moradia provisória e a produção da alteridade
Bolivian, poverty dwelling, alterityAbstract
From empirical research conducted in Master’s thesis (PUCCI, 2016), we analyze the following axes of Bolivian immigration in São Paulo: work; housing and the production of otherness. We then seek to articulate the research data with the concepts of “centrality of work” and “illusion of the provisional” (SAYAD, 1998). Regarding housing, we seek to articulate the notions of “poverty dwelling” and “urban nomadism” (VÉRAS, 2003) of the Bolivian presence with that of “provisionality” (SAYAD, 1998). Regarding the receiving society, we seek to unveil the “paradoxes of alterity” (SAYAD, 1998) from the speech of Bolivian neighbors. Finally, to understand the relations of otherness, we use as reference the thinking of Elias & Scotson (2000) to reflect on the relationship between “established and outsiders”. Succinctly, therefore, the main objective of this paper is to identify, analyze and establish relations between the constitution of Bolivian territories in the city, the different precarious solutions of poverty housing and the relations of otherness with the receiving society.