Revitalização linguística do japonês no Brasil
A atuação dos retornados brasileiros do Japão como professores de língua japonesa
bilingualism, dekasegi, teacher trainingAbstract
this work aims at bringing to light the emergence of a new group of Japanese teachers who are Brazilians that have returned from Japan with a school education in Japan, as a result of the migration flow known as dekasegi. they are people that when children were taken to Japan at an early age, or were born there and went through Japanese Educational system. While most young descendants in Brazil are not interested in teaching the Japanese language, returnees searching for justify this choice by saying that “teaching Japanese is the only thing they know how to do.” Given the short supply of people fluent in the language, an unmet demand for teachers of this language in Brazil, these new profiles have come to contribute to language revitalization. the research examined qualitatively the profile of three informants, in view of their migration history concerning the following items: level of bilingualism, circumstances of acquisition and learning of the two languages (Japanese and Portuguese), personal motivations, as well as language performance.