Acolhida a migrantes e refugiados

a ética da pastoral do migrante e desafios para a democracia no Brasil


  • José Carlos Pereira Centro de Estudos Migratórios - CEM



reception, pastoral of the migrant, rights of migrants


The reception of migrants and refugees is the theme that I develop in this article, from a look at sociological and juridical categories related to migrations. The forms of appropriation and use of these categories can facilitate or block the reception offered to the migrants by the State through a provisional document. The State host convention, based on the police character of public security, is rethought in the face of actions and conceptions of reception of social institutions such as the Pastoral of the Migrant. This seeks to substantiate its action in Christian ethics and in the universal rights of the human person. I conclude by pointing out challenges to the strengthening and expansion of the reception offered by the migrant’s pastoral, and I point to the protagonism of the migrants who, through their presence and social organization, influence the agenda of migratory policies in Brazil.

Author Biography

José Carlos Pereira, Centro de Estudos Migratórios - CEM

Sociólogo, Centro de Estudos Migratórios.



How to Cite

Pereira, J. C. (2016). Acolhida a migrantes e refugiados: a ética da pastoral do migrante e desafios para a democracia no Brasil. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (79), 101–126.


