Vale do Jequitinhonha

histórias de resistência e a poesia da vida


  • Nayá Fernandes PUC-SP



women leaders, strategies, migração sazonal, Vale do Jequitinhonha


The objective of this text is to describe the experiences of men and women of the Vale do Jequitinhonha. Using the insertion method in reality, the text wants to be an invitation to enter the daily life and perceive the beauty, the struggle and also the pain existing inside each person, wherever he is and, in this case, men and women of the Vale do Jequitinhonha in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais. With descriptions and personal impressions, we intend to bring to the fore men and women marked by strong personal and collective experiences of life, as the reasons that lead to migrate to other regions of Brazil and abroad. The present work is developed through a narrative that intends to present the cultural and labor strategies that allow them to overcome basic difficulties and to live with some dignity. In a sensitive and careful way, the direct interlocutors were heard during the months of January 2013 and 2015, when we were able to participate in two popular missions of the Migrant Pastoral together with families of migrants in the Vale do Jequitinhonha.

Author Biography

Nayá Fernandes, PUC-SP

Jornalista do O São Paulo. Graduada em teologia, Especialista em jornalismo literário e mestranda em Literatura e Crítica Literária pela PUC-SP.



How to Cite

Fernandes, N. (2018). Vale do Jequitinhonha: histórias de resistência e a poesia da vida. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (83), 89–104.


