Crise humanitária venezuelana e a proteção aos direitos dos refugiados
Human rights, Venezuelan refugees, Humanitarian CrisisAbstract
The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has caused an increase in the number of asylum applications in Brazil. In light of this context, this article calls into question the historical construction of national refugee laws based on the international treaties on Human Rights and Refugee Protection, and proposes a reflection about the challenges faced by Brazil with regards to sheltering the Venezuelan nationals who seek refuge in the country. Thus, the general goal of this work is to analyze the historical construction of the current national legislation about the rights of asylum seekers and propose a reflection about some of the= challenges faced when implementing directives in the current context of Venezuelan refugees in Brazil. The methodological incursion which enables the accomplishment of this investigation is guided by a qualitative approach and the inductive method. The methodological procedure is bibliographic and documental. As concluding remarks, it is possible to verify that, despite there being migratory policy for the defense of refugees’ human rights, some adversities are also present, namely the implementation of legislation, which directly impacts the lives of these people.