A inviabilidade de adoção legal de crianças sírias por brasileiros


  • Alethea Rodrigues Sôlha




International adoption, War, Brazilians, Syrian children


This article deals with the international adoption of Syrian children, with Brazil as the requested country. To this end, it presents a brief history of the war in Syria, which turned nine years in March 2020, and briefly describes the general situation of the victims of that conflict, which includes thousands of dead children and thousands more who are becoming orphans daily. It weaves general notions about international adoption in Brazil, a brief explanation of how its legal nature is governed and clarifies frequent doubts about how the whole process works. The article focuses on explaining the Brazilian rule that prevents the adoption of Syrian children from materializing, presents the laws of the Haia Convention, to which Brazil is a signatory, and directly affects this impediment and clarifies the Islamic laws that directly influence the that this process is not possible. Clarifies the justifications for which these rules and laws were implemented by the Brazilian government, in order to avoid problems such as child trafficking. The publication also briefly tells about the author’s work with orphaned Syrian children, who take refuge in cities in Lebanon.

Author Biography

Alethea Rodrigues Sôlha

Jornalista, Internacionalista, Mestre em Cooperação Internacional, Direito Internacional e Direitos Humanos e especialista em Gestão de Projetos e Voluntariado.

How to Cite

Sôlha, A. R. (2021). A inviabilidade de adoção legal de crianças sírias por brasileiros. TRAVESSIA - Revista Do Migrante, (89), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.48213/travessia.i89.961


